
This course is the online platform that supports the evaluation process for CanSkate and Regional Coaches

If you are looking to be certified in the CanSkate and Regional Coach context, please review the certification requirements in the Regional Coach Pathway prior to enrollment. Coaches should only enroll for this portfolio when they:

- Have a NCCP CanSkate and Regional Coach Trained status
- Are registered Skate Canada Coach in good standing
- Are able to complete the evaluation portfolio within 2 months of enrolling 
- Are within their 3-year deadline from when their CanSkate Coach Course was entered into the Locker

Enrollment/Evaluation fee: $180 (non-refundable)

An evaluator will be assigned upon enrollment after completing Step 1, therefore no refunds can be issued once you have entered the process. Please ensure you are ready to complete this process before enrolling. 

If you have any questions regarding this portfolio submission prior to enrolling, please contact